World Meditation Day

This Sunday – May 21 – is World Meditation Day… so what better day could you pick to try out a meditation or mindfulness practice?

Many people tell me they can’t meditate because their mind is too busy or distracted.

But some of those same people, who’ve tried my sessions, have surprised themselves at how they’ve managed to switch off – or at the very least notice when their mind is wandering.

That’s a success right there – just noticing your mind wandering.

We call it a meditation practice – because that’s what it takes – practice.

Like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you get at it, but there will always be some days that it just doesn’t work.

Don’t beat yourself up about it, or think ‘that’s it I can’t do it’.

Just stop… and try again another time.

Meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting still for hours on end – or even half an hour.

Person holding a cup and looking at the trees
Taking time to mindfully observe what’s going on in my garden

It could just be taking ten minutes to sit in your garden, or a nearby park, and really observe what’s happening around you.

What can you see, hear, smell, feel?

Fully embrace what’s going on.

Or maybe you could find some soothing music and just sit and really listen to it – identifying instruments, noticing the way the music changes etc.

You could listen to a short pre-recorded guided meditation – via a meditation app, or YouTube, Spotify etc.

So, what am I doing on Sunday?

Person walking in forest
Walking mindfully in nature

I’m guiding a mindful walk in nature.

It’s a short-ish circular walk, about two kilometres in distance and quite flat.

For most people with moderate fitness they could do this quite easily in half an hour – but we’ll be taking around 90-minutes!

All conversation will be about the walk – what we can see, hear, smell, feel – and a short part of it will be in complete silence.

It’s a lovely way to develop mindfulness and focus, just letting go of eveything else (it’ll still be there, after the walk, I promise).

Being fully immersed in nature and fully present on the walk.

So whatever you’re up to this Sunday – try to take a few minutes for yourself and have a very happy World Meditation Day!

Ann 🙏

PS if you live in or near Brisbane you can join me on this mindful walk – just email me at for more information & bookings.

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