I’ve mentioned before we don’t really have the traditional four seasons here in South East Queensland.
But we certainly have different times of the year.
There’s definitely winter (mid to late May until late August), and summer (anytime from mid-late September to late March).
Then there are the seasons before winter and before summer.
We’re just coming out of the before winter season.
Doors and windows are closed (especially at night) and blankets, warmer clothing and heaters come into play.
This is where we are right now and this morning, just to confim that, I had my first bowl of porridge!

Because the house is more closed up I don’t hear the dawn chorus.
I know many people grumble at how early the sun rises here in summer, but I love the sounds of the birds awaking – even if it’s before 4.30am!
I’m missing them at the moment.
In the evenings I miss hearing the frogs and cicadas.
It’s so quiet apart from the slight hiss of the gas-heater – and it’s dark just after 5pm.
But I can’t complain really, we still have just shy of ten and a half hours of daylight, even in mid-winter.
In the UK, depending where you are, that can come down to just seven to eight hours, and there can be days (for example, if you’re working indoors) when you don’t see daylight at all.
So I take any opportunity I can to sit outside in the sun in these cooler months.
Ironically, it’s often still too hot to sit in full belt sun, but if you are in the shade you need something to throw around your shoulders.
I usually describe it as being similar to a perfect UK summer’s day.
The thing is, it doesn’t really matter what the season is, I always try to find some outside time.
Whether it’s for a brisk walk, or a quiet read and a cup of tea – we all need our daily fix of Vitamin D.

Again, we’re blessed in South East Queensland.
All we need here is a few minutes of sun exposure on most days of the year to get the required amount.
So I’m heading out right now to get my daily dose and to listen to the birds while I can, before rugging up for the onset of winter.
Ann 🙏